Argent X Wallet

Argent is a simple and secure mobile crypto wallet. It is open-source and built on zkSync, a zero knowledge proof (ZKP) based Layer 2 (L2) rollup solution for Ethereum. It's a mouthful, I know. Argent's claim-to-fame is that it is the most popular social recovery-based wallet; it relies on multiple transaction signatures and uses social trust for wallet recovery instead of the traditional seed phrase. See my previous post for a deep dive into multi-signature wallets.

Argent X, on the other hand, is an open-source, Chrome plugin-based wallet for the StarkNet (Alpha) L2 platform. It is different from Argent wallet though and is not interoperable at the time of writing. While StarkNet is extremely versatile (e.g. each account is a separate smart contract that must be deployed before use), it also adds another layer of complexity for the average user. Argent X is intentionally designed to hide that complexity, and allow users to transact easily with low fees.